Who is doula liz?

Liz is an evidence-based, veteran Birth Doula who is passionate about educating women on their rights and options in birth. She is also the host of the Morning Chava podcast and a prenatal coach.

She got into birth work after witnessing her sister’s home birth. Shortly after, Liz’s friends started to get pregnant and have babies. Almost all of her friends were ending up in Cesarean births. She knew that what the providers were telling her friends didn’t seem physiologically correct. That’s when Liz felt drawn to doula work and took her first training course in 2012.

After traveling the world and learning international birth norms, Liz entered the Doula work force full time in 2019. Liz is passionate about educating women on their options so they can have informed and empowered births.

Liz is the wife to her amazing husband, Vito, and has two children and a dog at home. In her free time she enjoys cooking, baking, gardening, traveling, hiking and continually learning about maternal healthcare.